Tax Representative
What is it?
Τι είναι ο φορολογικός εκπρόσωπος για έναν κάτοικο εξωτερικού;
What does it do?
What can the tax representative do for a foreign resident?
Why do you need it?
How can it help you with your tax obligations?
Amaliastraat 1
2514 JC The Hague
Tel: +3170 3638700
Tel: +3170 3563040
Email: [email protected]
Parnassusweg 220
1076 AV Amsterdam
(main entrance: tower G on Fred Roeskestraat)
Tel: 088 – 361 70 00
Prins Clauslaan 60
2595 AJ Den Haag
Tel: 088 362 22 00
Tel. Prosecutor: 088-699 13 00
Τι είναι ο φορολογικός εκπρόσωπος για έναν κάτοικο εξωτερικού;
What can the tax representative do for a foreign resident?
How can it help you with your tax obligations?
What conditions must be met to become a tax resident abroad?
What is the procedure to become a tax resident abroad?
What supporting documents are necessary for a change of tax residence?
To apply for your tax residence certificate you must send your request to the following address:
Postal address
Belastingdienst/Limburg/kantoor Buitenland,
P.O. Box 2865,
6401 DJ Heerlen
The Netherlands
Your application must state:
Name and date of birth
Reason for application
The registration number
The country in which the confirmation is to be used
The use / period of time concerning the income to be covered by the confirmation
If an apostille is required, this must be stated
Contact info
Email address and/or phone number